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Charlotte Remé

After Medical School and residencies in pathology and ophthalmology in Germany, Dr. Remé joined the Eye Clinic Zürich and from there went for a postdoctoral training with Richard W. Young at UCLA working on  the renewal mechanisms of retinal photoreceptors. This research led to the discovery of autophagy, a cellular mode of removing or recycling cytoplasmic constitutents.

After her return to Zürich, she began pioneering work on retinal circadian rhythms together with her collegues Anna Wirz – Justice and Michael Terman. Later her studies were focussed on the deleterious effects of bright light in the retina. This work led to the discovery that light can induce the gene – regulated cell death by apoptosis. She and her team of brilliant postdoctoral fellows elucidated molecular mechanisms of retinal apoptosis and discovered the first gene directly involved in retinal apoptosis.

Besides working on basic mechanisms and pathophysiology in an experimental framework, Charlotte Remé worked as a consultant for industry and government emphasizing the importance of translating the insights of basic research into practice.

During recent years the laboratory has grown and expandet including work on neuroprotection, visual pigment interactions and the generation of mouse models for retinal degenerations.

The laboratory is nationally and internationally widely recognized and highly estimated, ranking among the top institutions working on mechanisms of retinal degeneration and neuroprotection.


CV of Charlotte Remé [pdf]

Charlotte Remé
Charlotte Remé


University of Zurich
Department of Ophthalmology

Laboratory of Retinal Cell Biology
Sternwartstrasse 14
8091 Zürich




Research Groups
