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Prof. Dr. Manfred Fahle died on February 26, 2020

We loose a valued colleague and renown ophthalmologist and scientists at the age of 69

Manfred came to neuro-ophthalmology in Tübingen in the earliest years around 1978, worked with Prof. Aulhorn and built, among other things the electrophysiology in Tübingen. Later he moved to London in the early 1990s and to Bremen one year later as head of the Human Neurobiology Institute. In Tübingen he also received training as an ophthalmologist.

In the 80s, his main area of ​​research was oversight (hyperacuity, e.g. vernier or stereo vision). Later he worked a lot on perceptual psychology, an example of his work can be found here:

We really appreciated Manfred as an endearing, unpretentious, helpful and somewhat unconventional colleague. We have had contact again and again in recent years. We like to think back to our time together.


The funeral service will be on March 19 at 2 p.m. in the 'Obere Feierhalle', in the crematorium of the Pragfriedhof in Stuttgart, Germany.