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The Young Researcher Vision Camp 2013

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Dear Young Colleagues,
Dear Vision Camp Fans,

the "Young Researcher Vision Camp 2013" took place from June 21st until June 23rd, 2013.

We met again at Castle Wildenstein, the unique location high over the banks of the river Danube. Consistent with the previous event, we maintained the main features for the Vision Camp:

  • A broad spectrum of major areas of Ophthalmology and Vision Research will be covered
  • Talks will be given exclusively by doctoral students (Early-stage Researchers)
  • Sessions will be chaired by post-docs (Experienced Researchers)
  • Dedicated time for discussion and networking activities is mandatory
  • Registration fee is “all inclusive”, i.e. it includes full service around the clock (accommodation, all meals, barbeque, coffee-breaks, special events) EXCEPT TRAVEL
  • The special topic 2013 will be “Career perspectives in the private sector”
  • Free early morning exercises (don’t forget your sportswear!)
  • Poster session with award for the three best posters (kindly supported by Carl Zeiss AG)

Voices to the Vision Camp

"About the Vision Camp: I think the whole idea is outstanding. The possibility to network and learn from such a broad field, as it was shown by the different talks, is definitely a plus."

"Better than ARVO"

"What I especially liked about the Vision Camp was the idea of mainly inviting PhD students for the talks. It's a nice opportunity for us, and it somewhat differentiates from the 'classical' meetings,..."

"It is inspiring to hear the voices of young researchers and to see how much they are contributing to the field of vision research."

"Castle Wildenstein is a stunning 'vision' on the banks of the Danube - the perfect location to be inspired at Vision Camp!"

"Young people are the ones in the laboratories, getting the results and they can therefore provide a unique first-hand account of their discoveries."

The vision camp is very impressive, well-organized, high-quality speakers and nice location. Thank you. I enjoy it very much!

"It is fascinating and exciting to see how extremely well the young vision scientists present their work. If these people are the future of vision research then that future is very bright indeed!"

"As opposed to traditional conferences where senior scientists present work that is often many years old (if not decades...), at the Vision Camp, young scientists present the very latest and hottest research results."

"Beside the scientific exchange on a high level, I found particularly the networking character outstanding. Also the organization of the whole meeting was extraordinary. Great people, great meeting."

"This is the forefront of scientific research and as such an extremely interesting and truly stimulating experience."

"I enjoyed it a lot, from the wonderful choice of location to the excellent talks, and even the early morning sport. It was great catching up with the newest stories in vertebrate and especially mammalian vision. I immensely enjoyed vision camp because of the retreat-like atmosphere, which was the perfect setting to get in contact with the other participants. What better way can there be to get to know someone than doing sport together at 6 o'clock in the morning or having barbecue in the courtyard of a medieval castle ?"

"I learned a lot from listening to the talks and to the poster presentations. I am also happy to have gained the experience of going to an international conference and being able to network with other PhD students. It was fun to stay at a castle, the food was brilliant and the professional trainer did a great job!"

Confirmed Session Chairs

(in alphabetical order)

  • Emily BAIRD, Lund Vision Group, Lund, Sweden
  • Karsten BOLDT, Department for Ophthalmology,Tuebingen, Germany
  • Rob COLLIN, UMC St Radboud, Human Genetics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • Dominic EBERLE, Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden, Germany
  • Dominik FISCHER, Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology, University of Oxford, UK
  • Antje GROSCHE, Paul Flechsig Institut for Brain Research University of Leipzig, Germany
  • Francois PAQUET-DURAND, Department for Ophthalmology,Tuebingen, Germany
  • Timm SCHUBERT, Centre for Integrative Neuroscience, Tuebingen, Germany
  • Juan TABERNERO, Universidad de Murcia, Laboratorio de Óptica, Murcia, Spain

Confirmed Sessions

  • Optical and Adaptational Limits of Vision
  • Neuron-Glia Interactions in Vision
  • Identification and characterization of genes involved in retinal dystrophy
  • Inherited Retinal Degenerations – Cell Death Mechanisms and Perspectives for Therapies
  • Translational Research in Ophthalmology
  • Retinal Circuits/Data Processing
  • Protein Transport and Dynamics in Photoreceptors
  • Invertebrate Vision
  • Regenerating Vision

Scientific Organisation Committee

  • Norbert Kinkl
  • Francois Paquet-Durand
  • Timm Schubert
  • Thomas Wheeler-Schilling

Local Organisation Committee

  • Michaela Bitzer
  • Sigrid Diether
  • Philipp Hunger

We are looking forward to see you!

The Organizing Team of the Young Researcher Vision Camp

Courtesy Sponsored by

Logo Charles River Laboratories International
Logo Carl Zeiss AG
Logo Rodenstock GmbH

Supported by the Research Programs

Logo Drugsford
Logo EduGlia
Logo HOPE2
Logo OpAL

Agenda and Abstracts

Have a look on the preliminary agenda and download the Vision Camp 2013 Abstract Booklet as PDF document (2.5 MByte)


Vision Camp 2013
c/o European Vision Institute EEIG
Liaison Office Tübingen
Stabsstelle Wissenschaftsmanagement (SWM)

Frondsbergstraße 23
D-72072 Tuebingen

E-mail: info[at]
Fax: +49 7071 29-3774