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The mission of the Emeriti Network of the "Gateway to Vision Research" and "EuroVisionNet" is to promote and facilitate activities that enable emeriti to be actively engaged with their Vision Research community and to share their lifetime of experience and expertise.
Professors emeriti are welcome from all disciplines in Vision Research. Their passion for research keeps them contributing and is the link and a key for the future, the ‘treasure’ for Vision Research.
Prof. Alan Bird, Institute of Ophthalmology, UCL London, UK, will receive the Mildred Weisenfeld Award during the forthcoming ARVO meeting in 2009
The Weisenfeld Award is presented in recognition of distinguished scholarly contributions to the clinical practice of ophthalmology. Alan Bird, MD, FMedSci, presented for his masterful knowledge of both clinical and basic vision science as one of the foremost experts in the field of inherited retinal diseases and age-related macular degeneration. Lecture: Towards biological treatment of retinal diseases
Please download our questionnaire for the "Emeriti Network", fill it in and send it back via email or by s-mail.
Questionnaire Emeriti Vision Network [MS Word, doc]