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Centre for Ophthalmology - Institute for Ophthalmic Research

Prof. Dr. med. Karl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt,Director of the Eye Hospital
Karl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt
Prof. Dr. rer. nat Marius Ueffing, Director of the Institute for Ophthalmic Research
Marius Ueffing

The Institute for Ophthalmic Research Tuebingen is headed by Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marius Ueffing and cooperates closely with the University Eye Hospital (head: Prof. Dr. med. Karl Ulrich Bartz-Schmidt) under the common roof of the Centre for Ophthalmology.

The Institute, founded in 2007, aims at uncovering the causes for degenerative, inflammatory, neoplastic, and vascular diseases of the eye and the visual pathways at molecular, cellular and systemic level. Translational research is performed in strong cooperation with the University Eye Hospital Tuebingen.


Institute and Hospital

In 2007 the Center for Ophthalmology was founded, combining the new established Institute for Ophthalmic Research and the University Eye Hospital in Tuebingen. Meanwhile, it has become clear that this dynamic tandem structure of a research unit and a clinical institution, both devoted to excellence in healthcare, teaching and research is a true success story.

The Institute houses several teams of scientists who work together to develop and evaluate concepts for therapy and treatment and optimize clinical and research diagnostics. Thus, the Institute provides an efficient infrastructure which supports research and education and mediates contacts to other research institutions and to industry.

A number of projects, funded by the European Community, the Federal Ministry of Research, the German Research Council and private foundations have formed a chain that spans the whole range from genetics, molecular mechanism of retinal disease through proteomics, preclinical physiology in animal models, special clinics and clinical trial centers that allow the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in a truly translational way from which groundbreaking publications have emerged.

The state of Baden-Württemberg has identified this Center as one of the three Centers of Excellence of the Medical Faculty in Tuebingen, which in turn enormously helped secure funds from University Hospital, state and federal government totaling several million Euros, to build a new Center for Ophthalmology which houses both the University Eye Hospital and the Institute for Ophthalmic Research.



  • Ophthalmic Research - Euler Lab
  • Neurobiology of the Eye - Schaeffel Lab
  • Section for Experimental Vitreoretinal Surgery - Schraermeyer Lab
  • Ocular Neuro Degeneration - Seeliger Lab
  • Molecular Biology Of Retinal Degenerations - Ueffing Lab
  • Molecular Genetics Labratory - Wissinger Lab
  • Pathophysiology of Vision - Zrenner Lab
  • Research Groups associated to Experimental Ophthalmology

    • Research Group Visual Pathway: Neuro-Ophthalmology & Perimetry
    • Clinic for Hereditary Retinal Degeneration
    • Clinical Function Testing
    • Low Vision Clinic and Research Lab
    • Pupil Group

  • Research Management
  • Associated Labs

    • Retinal Circuits and Optogenetics - Muench Lab
    • Foundation for basic research in Ophthalmology - Bende Lab

Contact information

Institute for Ophthalmic Research
Institut für Augenheilkunde

University of Tuebingen
Centre for Ophthalmology,
Institute for Ophthalmic Research

Röntgenweg 11
72076 Tübingen
